The Saigon Cigar Club Selection
Our cigar menu at The Saigon Cigar Club is a carefully curated selection of the world's finest cigars, chosen to cater to the most discerning aficionados and those just beginning to explore the world of premium cigars. (please note that Cigars are taxed quite exorbitantly in Vietnam).
Rich and Varied Selection:
Indulge in a diverse array of cigars, each handpicked for its unique flavor profiles, craftsmanship, and heritage. From the bold and robust to the mellow and nuanced, our menu offers something to suit every palate.
Expert Recommendations:
Our knowledgeable team is at your service, ready to guide you through our cigar offerings. Whether you seek a classic Cuban or a boutique gem, we're here to help you find the perfect cigar to complement your taste and mood.
Cigar Accessories:
Enhance your cigar experience with our thoughtfully chosen cigar accessories. From precision cutters to elegant lighters, we provide everything you need to savor your cigar in style.
The Perfect Pairing:
Explore the art of pairing cigars with our selection of fine wines, spirits, and cocktails. Our menu includes expertly matched combinations that elevate the flavors of both your cigar and your drink.
Relax and Savor:
At The Saigon Cigar Club, we invite you to unwind, immerse yourself in the ambiance, and savor the moment. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, our menu is designed to elevate your experience and create lasting memories.